Footnote #1 & 2 - The Brodmann Brain Map

Ola, fellow geeks and freaks, love y'all. These are the Brodmann Areas of the brain. So for all those [BA] numbers I hurl your way, this map shows you where they are and the list below tells you what they do [click on for Wiki]. btw - I live in #10.
Areas 3, 1 and 2 – Primary somatosensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus
Area 8 – Includes Frontal eye fields
Area 13 and Area 14* – Insular cortex
Area 15* – Anterior Temporal lobe
Area 22 – superior temporal gyrus, included in Wernicke's
Area 23 – Ventral posterior cingulate cortex
Area 24 – Ventral anterior cingulate cortex.
Area 25 – Subgenual area (Ventromedial prefrontal)
Area 26 – Ectosplenial portion of the retrosplenial
Area 28 – Ventral entorhinal cortex
Area 30 – Subdivision of retrosplenial cortex
Area 31 – Dorsal Posterior cingulate cortex
Area 32 – Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
Area 33 – Part of anterior cingulate cortex
Area 34 – Dorsal entorhinal - Parahippocampal gyrus
Area 35 – Part of the perirhinal cortex
Area 36 – Part of the perirhinal cortex
Area 38 – Temporopolar area
Area 43 – Primary gustatory cortex
Area 49 – Parasubicular area in a rodent
Footnote #4 - Map of the Upper Realm of Necrandy

This is the upper realm of Necrandy & Telen. The five clans; the LeBoe, People of the Wall, Thuringi, Gennari, and Reilian Islanders form the Necrandy part. When you add Folia and the badlands of Lemniscus you get Telen.
Footnote #4 & 7 - Map of the Nine Realms

These are the Nine Realms of Botah : Necrandy, Skaoi, Thrysos, Hyalacomia, Blazina, Wadai Basin, Lands of the Silkway, Chavin, and Brosse.
Footnote #6 - Chromaffin Cells of the Adrenal Glands

Here are those delicious rush puppies found in the medulla of your adrenal glands, just above your kidneys. They secrete yummy adrenaline into your bloodstream and make you go all aflutter.
Footnote #11 - Clear Silver, God of Archery

Clear Silver, the archer god of the Rivedi of Omos, guardian of the Impavido.