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The Codicil

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Chapter Three

The Arrival

Footnote #1 - The Realm of the Lands of the Silkway
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The Lands of the Silkway is the realm in the east of Botah famous for its trade routes. Zeppen is on the outer edge of the realm.

locus coerulus
'blue spot'
4th ventricle
locus coerulus
'blue spot'
4th ventricle
Footnote #2 -  Locus Coerulus - the 'blue spot'
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The locus coerulus, known as the 'blue spot', is located in your pons. It's where you make norepinephrine, because it's your panic button!!

Footnote #3 - Plain of Zunge, Skaoi
Plin of Zunge - 1 copy.jpg

The Plain of Zunge, famous for its spiced air,  is where the Senate of the Sages has all new Chosens-elect deposited for collection.

Footnote #4 - Hippocampus
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You have a hippocampus on either side of your medial temporal lobe. You use them for your memory. Chosens-elect have their campi wiped so they cannot recall what's on the other side of that 'black hole.'

Footnote #8 - Frontal Eye Fields
1 - Brodmann Map -2B copy_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Located in BA8, the FEF controls your eyes ability to rapidly scan stuff.

Trigeminal Nerve
Footnote #10 - Trigeminal Nerve - Cranial 5
Trigeminal Nerve

The Trigeminal is the 5th of the twelve cranial nerves. Yes, it has three branches; the ophthalmic, the maxillary, and the mandibular.

Footnote #11 - Posterior Parietal
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Posterior Parietal

The Posterior Parietal is where you makes sense of all the calculations in your head. It's where she hides from me.

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