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The Codicil

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Exordium Two

The Laird of the Hoop

Footnote #1 - The ILF
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The Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus is a freeway of white matter that goes from your temporal lobe to your occipital.

Footnote #3 -  Area 19 & Area 24
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Footnote #6 - The Seven tribes of Limbus - The Hoop
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The Seven tribes of Limbus: Albi, Ammon, Arca, Diencia, Fens. Horma,  and Prunus

Before the rise of the five clans, Necrandy was ruled by the Seven Tribes of Limbus. The seven were independent monarchies until united, by the Emperor Piero, into the Confederation of the Hoop. During the time of the Hoop, Necrandy was known as a lawless territory, driven more by passion than by reason. The rising of the five clans brought the Seven Tribes into a realm of law and order, except for the independent region of Lemniscus, known as the 'Bad Lands.' They're still bad.

The seven tribes were:

The Albi - close cousins to the Horma, the scholarly Albi, renowned for their monasteries, were the timekeepers and chroniclers of the seven tribes.

The Ammon -  Devotees of the god Amun, and the guardians of the famous salt mines of Molaison. The Ammon were legendary horsemen - still are - and their ferocious, axe-yielding cavalry feared throughout Necrandy.

The Arca - were the road makers and the builders of the seven tribes. They were also famous for their hull vinegar, fermented from the leaves of their abundant strawberry crops. The vinegar, combined with egg yolks, was used to make a powerful performance enhancing stimulant favored by athletes and warriors.

The Diencia - were the people of the capital of Necrandy. They were the civil servants and the government workers ensuring the well-being of the realm.

The Fens - were the pleasure seekers and providers; the actors, the dancers, the sorcerers. The most famous of the Fens were the hypnotic Theta Dancers.

The Horma - were a matriarchal society of renowned artists that collectively were known as the Daughters of the Atelier. They also were noteworthy for their midwives.

The Prunus - were the people of the almond groves. Large tracts of land were given over to the growing of almonds. People of a nervous temperament, the Prunus were know for being 'jumpy.'

Footnote #7 - Parahippocampal Gyrus
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Tbe parahippocampal gyrus, which is part of your limbic system, is muy importante in encoding memories and then getting them back to you.

Footnote #9 - The Empire of the Hoop
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The Empire of the Hoop contained: the five clans of Necrandy, the seven tribes of Limbus, the Folians, and the woodlands of Lemniscus.  

The five clans:

Leboe - 

People of the Wall



Reilian Islanders

The seven tribes - see footnote 6

The Folians

The Lemniscus


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